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Mobile Unit


The Mobile Unit is responsible for detecting and identifying women and girls who find themselves in situations of trafficking, and for rescuing and offering them incorporation into a specialised resource that puts in place all of the mechanisms needed to take them out of their high-risk situation and that offers them a place of protection and security.

APRAMP has developed its own methodology of progressive approach that offers assessment and useful services from a holistic perspective, and that permits the effective rescue of suspected victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation.

It is for that reason, APRAMP, through the RESCUE UNIT, carries out proactive identification, and searches and analyses those places where potential victims can be found, in the morning, afternoon, and evening. On-the-ground work with experienced individuals is the first step in detecting indicators allowing us to find identify possible victims of human trafficking.

APRAMP learned the enormous value in having the presence of women from the world of exploitation and trafficking who, as a result, can identify exploitation better than anyone. The social agents are individuals who have previously gone through situations of sexual exploitation and human trafficking and who have overcome their situation through APRAMP’s programmes. They are fully recovered and freely chose, as their profession, to help other individuals in the same situation.

APRAMP’s methodology is thus based on the in-depth understanding of reality and the up-close work with affected individuals. This unique methodology has turned the Association into a reference point, capable of detecting situations of exploitation and human trafficking, and contributing to the recovery of freedom and dignity of more than 500 individuals every year.

Given the hidden and invisible reality in which we confront, this proactive work carried out by the Rescue Unit is a valid strategy and a model of good practise to rescue women and girls through our work, along with that of the State Security Forces and the Public Prosecutor for Foreigners.



  • Develop on-the-ground work with experienced individuals: First step in the detection of indicators
  • Locate vulnerable spaces, where individuals in a trafficking situation can be found
  • Offer:

– Assessment:

  • A real and holistic alternative to the exploitative situation
  • Practical information about rights and resources

– Referral and Assistance:

  • 24 hour care and referral to resources both within and outside of APRAMP
  • Assistance and accompaniment in crisis situations

– Holistic Protection


  • Closeness and immediacy
  • Extended opening hours
  • Contact outside of normal channels